Doris Ivania Jiménez Alvarado took off the enamel of her nails when her assassins entered to her business named "Sol Fashion", the 21 of November of the last year. The defendants in her death are: Eric Stanley Volz and Julio Martín Chamorro Lopez. Yesterday began the oral and public judgment against these people, in the Court of Penal District of Judgment of the department of Rivas. From early hours of the day, the pedestrian crossing and the circulation of vehicles, 400 meters around one of the judicial complex, were prohibited by police agents. In addition, a brigade of anti-riot police was alert to conduct battle before any alteration the public order, since the crime of Doris Ivania inflamed a good part of the rivense population. The judgment began with one hour of delay, and the first interventions of the witnesses indicated Stanley Volz to be the main author of the death of Doris Ivania. Investigator first in declaring declares was the one in charge of the investigations of the case, police agent Silvio Aguirre, whom he related that during the first investigations they knew that a foreigner of name Kent Ross had information of the authors of the crime, reason why came to look for him, but the attempt was useless, since this man had left supposedly the country. It was then when they gave the other defendant of the death of Doris Ivania, Julio Martín Chamorro Lopez, who the day of the crime was seen in a suspicious attitude by the official Pedro Narváez. According to the testimony of Aguirre during the judgment, "Rosita" -- as also Lopez calls himself -- confessed to them that they had been contracted by the amount of 5 thousand dollars to participate in the crime, taking advantage of his friendship with Doris Ivania. Supposedly "Rosita" was only going to facilitate the entrance from the assassins to the store "Sun Fashion", property of the now murdered one, located in the market of San Juan of the South. A third criminal the investigator added that "Rosita" in his declaration said to them that Eric Stanley Volz participated in the crime like another foreigner who he did not manage to identify. Also it expressed that when entering the store they found Doris Ivania taking off the enamel of the nails, and that Volz with violence transferred her towards forth and threw her on a bed. "Rosita", equal detailed that Volz struck against the wall the victim, soon they tied her with strips of the sheet, later to violate her on the bed and to kill her by asphyxia. Volz left later with two black bags in with clothes from the store and he gave them to Nelson Dangla, who lifted them into a white vehicle that was parked almost in front of the store. In his declarations, the investigator explained that at the time of the captures of "Rosita" and Volz they found scratches on them that were compatible with the day in which the crime occurred. Another element showed by the police agent refutes alibi was that during the verifications that did they found out that he was an assistant of Volz that got to rent to a car to Hertz Car Rent, and is through this test that the Office of the public prosecutor hopes to demonstrate that the defendant was not in Managua, as he asserts the defense.
Another one of the witnesses who happened to declare was Nelson Antonio Dangla, and as it had published it the Nuevo Diario, he revealed before the judge that Volz was at the scene of the crime, adducing that about the ten in the morning of the 21 of November he was close to the place known like Costa Azul, and that he asked for him to arrive at the store of Doris at one in afternoon. Dangla claimed that when arriving at the place Volz called him from the door of the store and gavehim two black plastic bags him that he lifted into the white vehicle with shaded glass that was parked in front of the business, adding that in the interior of the vehicle was a man to who could not identify, and that soon Volz gave him 50 córdobas and he left the place. This version offered Dangla in the face of Volz, who did not return the glance to him of his eyes at any moment.
"If you cheat on me, I will kill you"
Another testimony to you that incriminates to Volz is the one of Helen Ortiz Lopez, who identified herself as a friend of the victim. She indicated in her intervention that Doris Ivania on one occasion confided to her that she had received the following threat from Volz: "If you cheat on me, I kill to you". The now murdered one also confided to her that the relation with Volz no longer marched well, and that no longer she wanted nothing to do with him because she felt used, because Volz looked for her solely when "he needed it", explained that a young person of name Armando Llanes was a pretendiente of the victim, and that in an occasion went with him to the Santo Domingo Gallery, in Managua. On the other hand, Mercedes Alvarado, mother of the victim, in her intervention described to Volz like a jealous man ", she restricted it, and she was scared of which she killed it by jealousy". He added that his son-in-law never was a communicative type with his family, and that therefore never had good relations with him. Also he mentioned in his declaration that supposedly Volz was having to its daughter 1.700 dollars to him, and that this one, when her daughter appeared dead insisted to him that they buried express. Red he wanted to negotiate the mother of the victim also denounced that there was attempt of the defense "to negotiate", indicating al lawyer Red Ramon, to the mother of Volz and to a second lawyer of name Caesar Baltodano, that was the one that let to him glimpse that if stopped del case would receive a million dollars, and that his lawyer Eric Heads would gain 20%. The lawyer Red Ramon admitted that he communicated with the mother of the victim, but not with intentions to arrive at no "adjustment", but because the mother of Volz he wanted to express to him personally that his son was not no assassin. "That I know, Baltodano was defending of Dangla (one of the witnesses), is something ugly there behind. Dangla made a pact with the public prosecutor and the Police so that they acquited it and declared against Eric (Stanley Volz)", maintained Red, that the witness Nelson Dangla, describing it as" incoherent patient disqualified and ". The other two witnesses who participated in the judgment, yesterday, were Lenín expert Garci'a and the forense doctor of Legal Medicine institute of Managua, Brave Oscar. Death does violence to the forense related that the young person was tied before dying, and who was a violent death. This testimony was the last one that occurred, since as was predicted, to the one of afternoon the judgment it was postponed because the lawyer Red Ramon had to be present in another judicial process that would be made in Managua. The judgment is predicted to continue today from the nine in the morning.
Comentarios de nuestros lectores
Para SussanaLo más seguro es que Doris ya no quería nada con el asesino o ya no lo quería ver, además el no es ningun tonto el pendejo este le abrio el camino para que la matara y la vez le servia por si todo le salia bien le caia el clavo solo al" rosita", tan sencillo como eso!luis gomezQue la embajada de estados unido intervenga pero cuando ya este condenado en nicaragua en 2 o 3 anios esta libre aca en estados unidos si lo encuentran culpable va directo al pabellon de la muerte asecinos komo ese aca no se escapan aca hay pena de muerte en nicaragua no lo que hay en nicaragua es pena de dinero si tiras la plata luego estas en la calle jueces coruptos fiscales toma mordidas ect ect ojala lo extraditen pero ya condenado., de la justicia gringa no te escapas Stanley asta los que mintieron diciendo que el estava en managua echenlo al bote para que no anden mitiendo por dinero.,PedroEl asesino tiene nombre y apellido se llama "Eric Stanley Voltz" y su complice Julio Martín Chamorro, quien también es un asesino. Como Nicaraguense y padre de familia que soy espero que la justicia prevalezca, ya que todo está claro y que este gringo pague con todo el peso de la ley, ya que así como en EE.UU juzgan a todo aquel Nicaraguense que comete un delito, aquí también hay que juzgar a todo aquel extanjero que nos asesinan a nuestras mujeres, espero que la Embajada de Estados Unidos no intervenga en este caso.Suzana "Rosita" dice que "solo iba a facilitar el ingreso de LOS asesinos a la tienda". ?LOS asesinos? Tiene que saber quien es el "otro" (o los otros)? Si Volz era el novio de Doris porque iba a pagar US00 a Rosita para que este le falicita el ingreso a la tienda, cuando el ya tenia entrada libre en ese lugar? Hay algo raro, y la Policia tendria que seguir investigando porque puede que no tengan el verdadero asesinato. Se investigo al otro tipo mencionado en ese articulo, Ken Ross?
Saturday, March 1, 2008
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